Nos récompenses
Lauréat de plus de 30 prix nationaux et internationaux, McConnel a ouvert la voie à la qualité et à l'innovation pendant près de 80 ans.
Parmi les récompenses décernées à l'entreprise, citons : le Queen's Award for Innovation 2001, que l'entreprise a reçu pour son système innovant Easy Drive, le prestigieux trophée Burke et le prix Champion of Champions de la Chambre de commerce du Shrophire.
Visite royale
Son Altesse Royale a rendu visite à McConnel en 2005 pour aider l'entreprise à célébrer son 70e anniversaire.
Prix Queens
Le système Easy Drive de McConnel, qui améliore les performances, a remporté le Queen's Award for Innovation en 2002.
Trophée Dr Alban Davies
Son Altesse Royale le Prince de Galles a remis à McConnel le Trophée Dr Alban Davies lors du Royal Welsh Show 2004.
Prix McConnel 1949 - Aujourd'hui
DEMOPARK (Germany) - Innovation medal
FTMTA Ireland - 2 Silver Awards
Royal Highland Show Society - Silver Award
FTMTA Ireland - 2 Silver Awards
Shropshire Chamber of Commerce - Champion of Champions
Royal visit to McConnel from HRH Princess Anne
Winner of the Prestigious Burke Trophy
Farm Business Highly Commended Power Arm 7700T
Royal Agricultural Society of England - Silver Medal
Doctor Alban Davies Trophy - Silver Medal
Royal Agricultural Society of England - Silver Medal
Shropshire Chamber of Commerce, Customer Service Award
Royal Agricultural Society of England - Silver Medal
Queens Award for Enterprise (Innovation)
SIMA Exhibition Paris, France - Silver Medal
Shropshire Chamber of Commerce, Business Of The Year
Royal Agricultural Society of England - Silver Medal
Royal Welsh Agricultural Society - Silver Medal
Royal Agricultural Society of England - Silver Medal
Royal Bath & West & Southern Counties Society - Gold Medal
Royal Agricultural Society of England - Silver Medal
Royal Agricultural Society of England - Gold Medal
Southport Agricultural Show - Silver Medal
Royal Welsh Agricultural Society - Silver Medal
Royal Agricultural Society of England - Silver Medal
Royal Welsh Agricultural Society - Silver Medal
British Dairy Farmers Association - Silver Medal
Bath & West & Southern Counties Society - Silver Medal
British Dairy Farmers Association - Silver Medal
Royal Highland Agricultural Society of Scotland - Silver Medal
Bath & West & Southern Counties Society - Silver medal
Royal Highland Agricultural Society of Scotland - Silver Medal
Banc de scie
McConnel a remporté son premier prix de qualité en 1949, en remportant la médaille d'argent de la Royal Highland Agricultural Society pour son banc de scie innovant.